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100 years since the assassination of the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand 28 June 2014 that started World War 1. Browning gun... Credit: Aftonbladet
9OE-1914-6-28-A1-7-B (1090681) Franz Ferdinand + Frau in Sarajewo 1914 Vorgeschichte des 1. Weltkrieges: Ermordung des österr.-u... Credit: akg-images
9OE-1914-6-28-A1-3-B (1090662) Sarajevo 1914, Verhaftung eines Mannes / Foto Vorgeschichte des 1. Weltkrieges: Ermordung des öst... Credit: akg-images
The Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne archduke Franz Ferdinand (r) visits German emperor Wilhelm II. (m) in Berlin in 1909. In t... Credit: DPA
The assassins of the Austrian heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Nedeljko Cabrinovic, is ar... Credit: DPA
(FILES) - A file picture taken on June 28, 1914 shows Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire ... Credit: AFP
Prince Max, Prince Ernst and Princess Sophie von Hohenberg of Austria, photographed a few days before the assassination of their p... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg and wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, who visited England in the autumn of 1913 and was re... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), son of Archduke Karl Ludwig and heir to the Austrian Empire, assassinated in 1914... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Photographic portrait of the Archduke Charles Francis Joseph with his wife and children. Charles became heir-presumptive to the A... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Heir-Presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in a picture with his wife, Sophie and their three chil... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Franz Ferdinand (1863-1914), Archduke of Austria and Karl. Ferdinand was assasinated by a Serbian nationalist. Austria used the ep... Credit: Topfoto
The Archduke and his wife with gorgeously uniformed officials in their car. A few minutes later the Duke and Duchess were dead. ... Credit: Topfoto
FRANCIS FERDINAND (1863-1914). Archduke of Austria. Ferdinand (left) with his brother, /nFrancis Joseph I, and generals, shortly... Credit: The Granger Collection