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Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby, holds the incubator jar in which her embryo was incubated, at the Bourne Clinic in... Credit: Pa Photos
Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby, sits with her youngest son Aiden, 15 weeks, at the Bourne Clinic in Cambridgeshire... Credit: Pa Photos
Editorial Use OnlySperm bank sample. Sperm sample seen through a microscope lens. This is done to check the quality of the sperm... Credit: Science Photo Library
Trondheim 20121104. Prøverørsbarn. I 1984 kom Norges første prøverørsbarn til verden. Nå har 'Mirakel-Mona» selv fått et prøver... Credit: NTB
FILE- Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby in this photo dated July 25, 1978, soon after her birth at Oldham General Hos... Credit: AP