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Accompanied by his mother, Queen Marie, and his younger brothers, the boy King Peter of Jugoslavia attended a memorial service at ... Credit: Topfoto
Queen Marie of Jugoslavia, widow of the assassinated King Alexander, made her first appearance in public since the King's death wh... Credit: Topfoto
The same battleship that had taken King Alexander of Jugoslavia to France - the Dubrovnik - brought him home to his native land ... Credit: Topfoto
The funeral of the late King Alexander of Jugoslavia took place with imposing ceremonial at Belgrade - photo shows the King's body... Credit: Topfoto
Queen Marie of Jugoslavia with President Lebrun of France and a large crowd saw the body of the murdered King Alexander placed abo... Credit: Topfoto
Welcomed with military pomp and every sign of a civic rejoicing King Alexander of Jugoslavia set foot on French soil at the Quai d... Credit: Topfoto
King Alexander of Jugoslavia received a rousing welcome when he arrived in Sofia with Queen Marie to visit King Boris of Bulgaria ... Credit: Topfoto