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Mount Vesuvius erupting. Artwork of people in a boat in the Bay of Naples, Italy, witnessing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Popocatepetl and Aztec conquest. 17th-centry artwork of soldiers led by Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485-1547... Credit: Science Photo Library
Plosky Tolbachik volcano erupting, satellite image. North is at top. This volcano (3682 metres) is located in Russia's far eastern... Credit: Science Photo Library
Body cast of victim of Pompeii eruption. The Roman city of Pompeii, located in the Bay of Naples, Italy, was ruined and buried und... Credit: Science Photo Library
Vesuvius erupting on the morning of 9th August 1779. Artwork by Peter Fabris from Supplement to the Campi Phlegraei: being an acco... Credit: Science Photo Library
Volcanic steam ring. Sun, steam and a steam ring after being blown from the Bocca Nuova vent of Mount Etna, a volcano on the Itali... Credit: Science Photo Library
Vulkanutbrudd under isbreen Eyjafjallajökull. Aske og lava spruter ut fra krateret. Island mai 2010. Subglacial volcanic erupt... Credit: Samfoto
Nordlys over vulkanutbrudd ved Eyjafjallajökull. Askesky henger over breen. Lava spruter ut fra krateret. Island. Foto: © Erle... Credit: Samfoto
Eyjafjallajokull eruption, satellite image. North is at top. Ash plume (brown, upper centre, many hundreds of kilometres long) fro... Credit: Science Photo Library
Vulkanutbrudd ved Eyjafjallajökull. Askesky henger over breen. Island. Ash plume from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano. Iceland. ... Credit: Samfoto
Eruption of Krakatoa, 19th-century artwork. Krakatoa is a volcanic island in the Sunda Strait between the Indonesian islands of Su... Credit: Science Photo Library
Eruption of Mount Pelee, on the Caribbean island of Martinique. This is the eruption of 6 December 1902, not the main eruption of ... Credit: Science Photo Library
REFILE - CORRECTING PROVINCE Boys look at the eruption of Mount Merapi volcano in Manisrenggo village, in the Klaten district o... Credit: Reuters
Eruption of Ferdinandea volcano, 1831, historical artwork. This volcano is in the Mediterranean Sea, around 30 kilometres off the ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Krakatau volcano explosion. Computer artwork of the August 1883 explosion of the volcanic island Krakatau in the Sundra Strait, In... Credit: Science Photo Library
Vesuvius erupting. Historical artwork of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1872. The explosive eruption culminated in the collapse... Credit: Science Photo Library
Oslo 20100416. Flystans: Folketomme lokaler på Gardermoen som er stengt på grunn av vulkanutbrudd på Island. På informasjonstavl... Credit: NTB
Oslo 20100415. Meteorologisk institutt har tilgang til beregningsmodeller som tar utgangspunkt i en kilde som sprer partikler (f... Credit: NTB
Reykjavik, Island 20041102 Deler av flytrafikken mellom Europa og USA måtte omdirigeres tirsdag pga vulkanutbrudd i Grimsvotn, in... Credit: NTB
Goma i Den demokratiske republikken Kongo, Afrika 20021111: Vulkanfjellet Nyiragongo utenfor byen Goma i DR Kongo. Vulkanen hadd... Credit: NTB
Italia, Napoli 1944. Destroyeren HMS " Tumult " i Napoli havn. I bakgrunnen vulkanen Vesuv i utbrudd. WW2 Italy, Naples. 1944.... Credit: NTB
Mount Ruapehu on New Zealand's North Island erupts violently 17 June, sending a thick cloud of ash 10 kilometres into the atmosp... Credit: NTB