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File photo dated 4/2/1996 of John Hume. The head of Northern Ireland's civil service claimed the Nobel peace prize winner appeared... Credit: Pa Photos
TO GO WITH AFP TEXT BY Pierre-Henry DESHAYES - (FILES) A picture taken on May 2, 2013 shows former UN secretary general Kofi Ann... Credit: AFP
1US-187-B1920-6-C (1635622) Woodrow Wilson / Foto Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow 28. Präsident der USA (1913-21), Staunton (Va.) 28.12... Credit: akg-images
1OT-1-B2005 (432910) José Ramos-Horta / Foto 2005 Ramos-Horta, José; osttimor. Politiker (1996 Friedensnobelpreis zusammen mit B... Credit: akg-images
1US-113-B1950 (384980) Ralph Johnson Bunche / Foto Bunche, Ralph Johnson US-amerikan. Diplomat, 1950 Friedens- nobelpreis; Detro... Credit: akg-images
1-S6823-B1927 (192943) Gustav Stresemann / Foto um 1927 Stresemann, Gustav Politiker (DVP); 1923-29 Außenminister; 1926 Friedens... Credit: akg-images
1NO-33-B1928 (165432) Fridtjof Nansen / Foto, um 1928 Nansen, Fridtjof; norweg.Polarforscher, Zoologe, Ozeanograph und Diplomat;... Credit: akg-images
1-O126-B1934 (165115) Carl von Ossietzky als KZ-Häftling Ossietzky, Carl von Publizist, Friedensnobelpreis (1935), 1933-36 in Ko... Credit: akg-images
1IS-11-B1978 (147639) Menachem Begin / Foto 1978 Begin, Menachem israel. Politiker, 1977-83 Minister- präsident, Brest-Litowsk 1... Credit: akg-images
1EN-1145-B1905 (121109) Sir Austen Chamberlain / Foto um 1905 Chamberlain, Sir (Joseph) Austen brit. Politiker (1924-29 Außenmin... Credit: akg-images
1-B622-B1978 (96102) Willy Brandt / Foto 1978 Brandt, Willy Politiker (SPD), Lübeck 18.12.1913 - Unkel bei Bonn 8.10. 1992. Port... Credit: akg-images
1US-813-B1930-1 (93939) Charles G. Dawes / Foto 1930 Dawes, Charles Gates; US-amerik.Bankier und Politiker (1925-29 Vize-Prä Credit: akg-images
1RD-385-B1988 (80792) Gorbatschow / Foto um 1988 Gorbatschow, Michail sowjet. Politiker (Generalsekretär des ZK der KPdSU), geb.... Credit: akg-images
1US-124-B1951 (21438) George C.Marshall,Porträtaufnahme 1952 Marshall, George Catlett US-amerik. Militär und Politiker Uniontown... Credit: akg-images
1FK-548-B1925 (17037) Aristide Briand,Porträt/Foto um 1925 Briand, Aristide frz. Politiker Nantes 28.3.1862 - Paris 7.3.1932. - ... Credit: akg-images
1AE-46-B1977 (13678) Anwar As Sadat, ägypt. Staatspräsisdent Sadat, Anwar As, ägyptischer Politiker 25.12.1918 Talah Monufiya - ... Credit: akg-images
1-S344-B1909 (11189) Bertha v. Suttner/Portraitfoto Suttner, Bertha von 9.6.1843 (Prag) - 21.6.1914 (Wien) Schriftstellerin, Fri... Credit: akg-images
Protestant theologian, musician, medicine and philosopher Albert Chweitzer with the order "Pour la Mérité", that had been awarded ... Credit: DPA
Henry Alfred Kissinger (b 1923), German-born American political scientist, diplomat, 56th US Secretary of State 1973-1977. He rec... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Sir Ralph Norman Angell - 1872 - 1967 He was an English lecturer , writer journalist and Labour Party MP . He was knighted in 193... Credit: Topfoto
Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil , 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood : 14 September 1864 - 24 November 1958 lawyer , politician ... Credit: Topfoto
Bishop Desmond Tutu. Tutu, Desmond Mpilo South African Anglican clergyman and black civil rights leader; ordained as Anglican prie... Credit: Topfoto
Mr Eisaku Sato 63 beams broadly as he is pictured here after being chosen as the new Japanese Premier in succession to Hayato Ike... Credit: Topfoto
(FILES) -- A file photo taken on June 14, 2005 shows former South African President Nelson Mandela giving in Johannesburg a press ... Credit: AFP
(FILES) -- This undated file picture shows Swedish Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold in an undisclosed plac... Credit: AFP
Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989), Soviet physicist. Sakharov studied nuclear fusion as a postgraduate under Nobel laureate Igor Tamm in... Credit: Science Photo Library
OSLO 20111210. Nobels fredspris 2011. Overrekkelsen: Fredsprisvinnerne, (fra h) Liberias president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, den li... Credit: NTB
LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 12: Political activist Dr.Wangari Muta Maathai poses for a portrait during the 40th NAACP Image Awards ... Credit: AFP
Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum speaks during a news conference at her foundation in Guatemala City Aug... Credit: Reuters
(FILES) This file handout picture received from the family taken on March 14, 2005 shows 2010 Nobel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo in G... Credit: AFP
Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, poses after a press conference at Blue Tree ... Credit: AFP
FILE - In this Nov. 4, 2009 file photo, former U.S. Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore poses for a photo before s... Credit: AP
Linus Pauling (1901-1994), US chemist and double Nobel Laureate. Pauling was educated in Oregon, and later at the California Insti... Credit: Science Photo Library
(FILES) -- File picture dated November 10, 2005 shows Israeli President Minister Shimon Peres addressing a conference on Export an... Credit: AFP
Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari addresses a seminar with members of the Independent Commissi... Credit: Reuters
epa01827180 Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung (file photo), who won the Nobel Peace Prize for brokering the first summit... Credit: EPA
Mohammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Grameen bank, speaks during a press conference in New Delhi, India, Tu... Credit: AP
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) leader David Trimble arrives for the Upper Bann constituency declaration following the UK general elec... Credit: Reuters
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1902 til Charles Albert Gobat, Generalsekretær for Den interparlamentariske union og æressekretær f... Credit: NTB
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1902 til Elie Ducommun, æressekretær for Det internasjonale fredsbyrå (Bureau International Permanen... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19701209 Fredsprisen. Nobels Fredspris for 1970 til Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug. Borlaug fikk prisen for sitt arbeid ved det... Credit: NTB
Oslo 19591210 Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1959 til Philip John Noel-Baker, parlamentsmedlem i Storbritannia, og forkjemper for I... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19681210 Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1968 til Rene´ Cassin, President for den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen ( Euro... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19571211 Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1957 til Lester Bowles Pearson, tidligere utenriksminister i Canada, og president i FN... Credit: NTB
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1912 til Elihu Root. (Prisen ble tildelt i 1913) Root var tidligere utenriksminister i USA, og ... Credit: NTB
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1946 til dr. John Raleigh Mott, formann i KFUMs verdensforbund. (Prisen delt mellom Mott og E. Gree... Credit: NTB
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1920 til Leon Bourgeois. Tidligere fransk kultur, justis og statsminister, parlamentspresident, og... Credit: NTB
Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1909 til Auguste Beernaert, tidl. statsminister, medlem av det belgiske parlament, og medlem av de... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19511210 Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1951 til Leon Jouhaux, FN delegat og president for en rekke internasjonale handels ... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19451210 Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris for 1944 til Det Internasjonale Røde Kors og for 1945 til Cordel Hull, tidligere ame... Credit: NTB
BON02D:GERMANY-BELO:BONN,GERMANY,27SEP98 - East Timor's spiritual leader and winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, Roman Catholi... Credit: Reuters