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A flight data recorder from an unknown public transport aircraft is seen in private aviation museum in the village of Zruc, near P... Credit: Reuters
A flight data recorder from crashed Mig-23 figter jet is seen in private aviation museum in the village of Zruc, near Plzen Januar... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) holds a co... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) holds a da... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) holds a vo... Credit: Reuters
A historic tape-based and partly burned voice recorder is seen at Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bu... Credit: Reuters
A 1958 Ryan-type Lockheed Flight Data Recorder is seen in an undated photo provided by the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Mu... Credit: Reuters
A 1954 prototype for a General Mills Ryan Recorder is seen in an undated photo provided by the Smithsonian's National Air and Spac... Credit: Reuters
An early 1990s Loral type F1000 Flight Data Recorder is seen in an undated photo provided by the Smithsonian's National Air and Sp... Credit: Reuters
A cockpit controller for an early 1990s Loral Cockpit Voice Recorder is seen in an undated photo provided by the Smithsonian's Nat... Credit: Reuters
A historic steel-foil-based data recorder is seen at Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircr... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) holds a hi... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) holds a Ru... Credit: Reuters
Solid-state data and voice recorders of different brands and models are seen at a storage of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuc... Credit: Reuters
An employee of Germany's Bundesamt fuer Fluguntersuchung BFU (German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation) removes a ... Credit: Reuters
A Deployable Flight Incident Recorder Unit (DFIRU) is pictured in a posed photo at the DRS Technologies facilities in Carleton Pla... Credit: Reuters
A combination picture showing the development of flight recorders or 'black boxes' since the 1950's. Flight recorders or black b... Credit: Reuters