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^BMODEL RELEASED^b. ^BSun pillar and sun dogs.^b Man standing in from of a sun pillar (centre) with two sun dogs either side of it... Credit: Science Photo Library
^BPollen corona.^b Church steeple in front of a corona (luminous disk) around the Moon. A corona is an optical atmospheric effect,... Credit: Science Photo Library
Light pillars. Night view of light pillars formed by artificial lights. More usually associated with the Sun, a light pillar is ca... Credit: Science Photo Library
^BArtificial cloud.^b View of a spectacular nocti- lucent cloud after sunset. This "cloud" was formed from the exhaust of a missil... Credit: Science Photo Library
Noctilucent cloud. These bright displays are seen in the middle of the night in summer at high latitudes. Their composition is unk... Credit: Science Photo Library
Aurora borealis. Panoramic view of the aurora borealis (northern lights). The aurora borealis is a coloured light display that is ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Dumped rocket fuel in the night sky. Rocket fuel (white, centre-right) dumped by an Atlas V rocket reflecting sunlight in the nigh... Credit: Science Photo Library
Green flash phenomenon at sunset. This elusive effect, caused by atmospheric refraction, is visible at sunset for a few seconds wh... Credit: Science Photo Library
Airglow and Magellanic Clouds. Airglow (green) is the faint natural glow of the atmosphere. The Magellanic Clouds are two nearby d... Credit: Science Photo Library
Moon and Belt of Venus effect. Moon in the sky before sunrise over a coastal seascape. The pink glow is due to an atmospheric phen... Credit: Science Photo Library
Moon dogs. Moon and high-altitude clouds over a city, with circular spots at left and right. These moon dogs or paraselenae occur ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Cirrus cloud formation and ice halo, Antarctica. The halo is a phenomenon, caused by the refraction of sunlight through tiny hexag... Credit: Science Photo Library
Fogbow and snowy landscape. Cross-country skiers passing by frosted trees with a fogbow visible at upper right. Fogbows occur when... Credit: Science Photo Library
Wildfires, Australia , ISS image. Bush fires light up the landscape over Australia in this night time photograph, taken by astrona... Credit: Science Photo Library
Zodiacal light over an observatory. The night sky lit by zodiacal light above the Paranal platform on Cerro Paranal mountain, Chil... Credit: Science Photo Library