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Galileo's Moon observations. Sketch of the Moon made in 1610 by the Italian physicist, mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galile... Credit: Science Photo Library
Schiaparelli's Mars, historical artwork. Maps of the planet Mars, drawn by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli between 18... Credit: Science Photo Library
Moon's crater. Historical artwork of a crater on the moon as drawn by Eratosthenes. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (circa 276195 BC) was a... Credit: Science Photo Library
Jupiter and satellites. Historical artwork showing a telescopic observation made at 8.30pm on 21 October 1843 of Jupiter (lower ri... Credit: Science Photo Library
Lunar crater observations. 1882 artwork showing observations made of lunar craters. This is the landscape around the Tycho crater ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Langley's sunspot observation. Artwork showing an extended observation of a sunspot, made on 24 December 1873 by US astronomer and... Credit: Science Photo Library
Nasmyth's sunspot observations. Artwork of observations of sunspots, made on 5 June 1864 by the Scottish amateur astronomer James ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Schiaparelli's observations of Mars. This drawing was made by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910). His most d... Credit: Science Photo Library
Saturn and its rings. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Its rings consist of ice and dust particles. Engrav... Credit: Science Photo Library
Observations on the transit of Venus. Cover of Henry Chamberlain Russell's book 'Observations on the transit of Venus, 9 December ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Moon map (c.1612) by British astronomer and mathematician Thomas Harriot (1560-1621). Harriot graduated from Oxford University and... Credit: Science Photo Library
Orion Nebula. Artwork of the Orion Nebula by the Irish astronomer William Parsons (1800-1867), the third Earl of Rosse. This artwo... Credit: Science Photo Library
Observations of Saturn and its rings made in the 17th century prior to Huygens. I: Galileo (1610); II: Scheiner (1614); III: Ricci... Credit: Science Photo Library
^BHerschel's 40-foot telescope,^b artwork. Also known as Herschel's Great Telescope, it was designed by the British astronomer Wil... Credit: Science Photo Library