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2-G56-P1-1943-107 (1007594) 'THE GIRLS BEHIND THE MEN BEHIND THE GUNS (...)' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'THE GIRLS BE... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1943-103 (1007368) 'GOOD GOING GIRLS. THE SKY'S THE LIMIT' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'GOOD GOING GIRLS. THE... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-65 (1007358) 2.Wk., USA, Rekrutenwerbung / Plakat Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'GET A WAR JOB to help him... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-63 (1007313) 'RIGHT IS MIGHT. U.S. ARMY (...)' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'RIGHT IS MIGHT. U.S. ARMY (.... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-59 (1007237) 'POUR IT ON!' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'POUR IT ON!' (Propaganda der US-Rüstungsindustri... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-58 (1007236) 'IT CAN HAPPEN HERE! - UNLESS WE KEEP 'EM FIRING!' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'IT CAN HAPP... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1943-99 (1007230) 'You and I put the Squeeze on the Japanese. BEAT THE PROMISE - ...' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakat... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-41 (998213) 'WARNING. OUR HOMES ARE IN DANGER NOW (...)' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg: Plakate und Propaganda. - 'WARN... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1943-71 (998154) 'USE IT UP - WEAR IT OUT - MAKE IT DO! (...)' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg: Plakate und Propaganda. - 'USE... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1944-35 (997851) 'BE A MARINE. FREE A MARINE TO FIGHT' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg: Plakate und Propaganda. - 'BE A MARINE... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-36 (997844) 'The more WOMEN at work the sooner we WIN! (....)' Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'The more WOM... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-15-B (175464) Jüd.Kommissar/Opfer v.Winniza/dt.Plakat Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate und Propaganda. - Jüdisch... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1942-20 (159278) 'He wanted to see inside - Accident occur daily through wilful tampe- ring (...)' Geschichte / 2.Weltk... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1944 (140191) Plakat der frz. Resistance, 1944. Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - 'French Resistance - helps thrott... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1943-3 (115465) Holl.Segelschiff,dt.U-Boot/NS-Plakat... Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg / Plakate: - Deutsches U-Boot und nied... Credit: akg-images
2-G56-P1-1943-48 (76997) Plakat UdSSR 1943 Geschichte / 2.Weltkrieg: Propaganda. - 'Es lebe der 25. Jahrestag des leni- nistisch... Credit: akg-images
Of course there's no harm in your knowing! Careless Talk Costs Lives. Colour photolithograph poster by Cyril Kenneth Bird (Fougass... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
French wartime poster, by land, by sea and by air, The Allies Respond. Showing a group of men in khaki uniform with various natio... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Poster advertising wartime savings -- Salute the Soldier -- to help support the war effort. The soldier is given a movable arm t... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Dutch poster warning people that the Black Market is a form of theft -- don't steal from your countrymen, ensure equal distributio... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Poster: request for Rags for salvage. Rags are needed to make engine wipers, blankets, uniforms, overcoats, gun wadding, charts, ... Credit: Mary Evans Picture