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Weichnachts Sammlung des bayerischen Roten Kreuzes fur die Feldgrauen. Poster shows a Christmas angel(?) pulling a sleigh loaded w... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Red Cross Christmas roll call December 16th to 23rd . Poster showing a figure of Columbia holding a pen, and a Red Cross nurse wit... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Ten million new members by Christmas Join the Red Cross, and on Christmas Eve a candle in every window, a service flag for every h... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Useful presents for Christmas 1931 include a new Peugeot 201, a small version of which is hanging from a Christmas tree. Either th... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Illustration by Susan Beatrice Pearse (1878-1980) showing three children decorating a Christmas tree. Susan Pearse was a regular ... Credit: Mary Evans Picture