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A woman's umbrella is blown by wind during a heavy rain in Yantai, Shandong province, November 6, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer CHINA OUT... Credit: Reuters
A woman holds her umbrella while walking against strong winds as Typhoon Soudelor hits Taipei, Taiwan, August 8, 2015. A powerful ... Credit: Reuters
Wind brought by Tropical storm Rumbia blows a man's umbrella while walking along a seawall in Roxas Boulevard in Manila June 30, 2... Credit: Reuters
A man's umbrella is blown by wind during a heavy rain in Yantai, Shandong province, November 6, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer CHINA OUT. ... Credit: Reuters
A woman holds her umbrella while walking against strong winds as Typhoon Soudelor approaches Taiwan in Taipei, August 7, 2015. Tai... Credit: Reuters
A commuter loses control of her umbrella as she braves the wind and rain while crossing London Bridge in London October 28, 2013. ... Credit: Reuters
People hold onto their umbrellas as they encounter strong winds near the coast as Typhoon Utor hits Yangjiang, Guangdong province ... Credit: Reuters
A man holding onto an umbrella as he cycles in heavy rain caused by typhoon Etau in Tokyo's business district September 9, 2015. T... Credit: Reuters
A woman tries to catch her umbrella after it was blown away by the wind in downtown Lisbon February 3, 2015. REUTERS/Rafael March... Credit: Reuters
A man tries to hold his umbrella in the midst of strong gusts of wind in Gijon, northern Spain, January 30, 2015. REUTERS/Eloy Alo... Credit: Reuters
A man struggles with an umbrella in strong winds and rain caused by Cyclone Hudhud in Gopalpur in Ganjam district in the eastern I... Credit: Reuters
A woman struggles with an umbrella in strong winds and rain caused by Typhoon Halong in Tokyo August 10, 2014. Typhoon Halong kill... Credit: Reuters
A woman holds her broken umbrella as she walks against strong wind and heavy rainfall as Typhoon Matmo hit Qingdao, Shandong provi... Credit: Reuters
A woman attempts to hold onto her umbrella at a road partially submerged from floodwaters in Quinzanas, near Oviedo, Northern Spai... Credit: Reuters
A man holds onto his umbrella against strong wind and heavy rainfalls on a street as Typhoon Haikui hit Shanghai, August 8, 2012. ... Credit: Reuters
MALMÖ 2013-10-28 Albin testar vindriktningen med ett paraply då stormen Simone nådde Malmö med regn och ökande vind vid lunchtid ... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
Tromsø 20110323. Snøstorm i Tromsø nå i ettermiddag. Her fra Grønnegata.Snø og sterk vind har gjort det temmelig utrivelig i bye... Credit: NTB
OSLO 20090730: En paraply har fått hard medfart og lå igjen på fortauet, da uværet ramlet inn over Oslo og regnet høljet ned tors... Credit: NTB
epa01203305 A pedestrian shields herself with an umbrella against high winds and freezing rain in New York City USA, 16 December... Credit: EPA
REYKJAVIK 20040907 Kungafamiljen på statsbesök på Island. Bilden: Friherrinnan Christina von Schwerin, drottning Silvias hovdam, ... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån