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A municipal worker sprays insecticide at the neighborhood of Imbiribeira in Recife, Brazil, January 26, 2016. The operation is par... Credit: Reuters
A public health technician inspects an Aedes aegypti mosquito in a research lab to help prevent the spread of Zika virus and other... Credit: Reuters
A health ministry worker fumigates a house to kill mosquitoes during a campaign against dengue and chikungunya and to prevent the ... Credit: Reuters
A municipal health worker fumigates a home as part of the city's effort to prevent the spread of Zika virus' vector, the Aedes aeg... Credit: Reuters
A man and his son stand outside their house while a health ministry worker fumigates to kill mosquitoes during a campaign against ... Credit: Reuters
People stand outside their house while a health ministry worker fumigates to kill mosquitoes during a campaign against dengue and ... Credit: Reuters
A woman sits outside her house while a health ministry worker fumigates to kill mosquitoes during a campaign against dengue and ch... Credit: Reuters
Municipal workers spray insecticide at Sambodrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26, 2016. Municipal workers sprayed insectici... Credit: Reuters
A municipal worker touches his face as he finishes spraying insecticide at Sambodrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26, 2016.... Credit: Reuters
Municipal workers wait before spraying insecticide at Sambodrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26, 2016. Municipal workers sp... Credit: Reuters
World Health Organization Director-General Margaret Chan addresses the delegates during the WHO Executive Board meeting in Geneva,... Credit: Reuters
A man walks away from his home with his son as health workers fumigates the Altos del Cerro neighbourhood as part of preventive me... Credit: Reuters
A health worker fumigates the Altos del Cerro neighbourhood as part of preventive measures against the Zika virus and other mosqui... Credit: Reuters
A woman walks away from her apartment as health workers fumigates the Altos del Cerro neighbourhood as part of preventive measures... Credit: Reuters
Graph of the symptoms of the Zika virus is seen behind of Colombia's Health Minister Alejandro Gaviria (R) during a news conferenc... Credit: Reuters