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Impressions from Pripyat, a ghost town in the Ukraine, which was established in 1970 in connection with the construction of the Ch... Credit: DPA
This 1986 aerial view of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine shows damage from an explosion and fire in reactor four... Credit: AP
A nurse at a children's health clinic in Warsaw administers an iodine solution to a three-year-old girl held in her mother's arms ... Credit: AP
The totally damaged reactor two of the Chernobyl, Russia, nuclear power plant after the explosion and fire on April 26, 1986 is se... Credit: AP
A boy looks at a notice fixed to the locked gate of a playground in Wiesbaden, May 5, 1986, that reads: 'This ground is perliminar... Credit: AP
Abandoned apartment buildings stand in rows in Pripyat, once a city of 50,000 persons, two miles from the damaged Chernobyl nuclea... Credit: AP
A Soviet technician checks water taken from a stream near Kiev for radiation on May 9, 1986. Checks are being performed hourly to... Credit: AP
Russian state televisions image of a collapsed roof of Chernobyl nuclear power plant that was partly ravaged by a fire is photogra... Credit: AP
This is a close up view of the Chernobyl nuclear plant as seen in a Land sat 5 Thematic Mapper image taken at approximately 9:45 a... Credit: AP
On April 21, 1990, young children on a collective farm are patients on a ward in Syekovo, a village not far from the Chernobyl nuc... Credit: AP
9RD-1986-4-26-A1-4 (158708) Kernreaktorkatastrophe/Tschernobyl/1986 Sowjetunion / Kernreaktorkatastrophe im Kernkraftwerk Tscher... Credit: akg-images
9RD-1986-9-27-A1 (158695) Kernreaktorkatastrophe/Tschernobyl/1986 Sowjetunion / Kernkraftwerk Tschernobyl (Ukraine) nach der Ker... Credit: akg-images
Wiga, Ina and Veronika (l-r) from Chernobyl are treated in a hospital in Leipzig, because their health had been damaged severly by... Credit: DPA
Children lay flowers at a monument to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Kiev April 26, 2012. Ukraine marked the 26th an... Credit: Reuters
Chernobyl survivor. A pine tree growing just 500 metres from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukraine, see in the background. An... Credit: Science Photo Library
In this 1986 photo, a helicopter throwing chemicals to suppress radiation approaches the 4th destroyed reactor at the Chernobyl nu... Credit: AP
FILE - In this Nov.10, 2000 file photo radioactive contaminated vehicles lay dormant near the Chernobyl nuclear power plan. Some ... Credit: AP
The sarcophagus covering the damaged fourth reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is seen behind a building decorated with ... Credit: Reuters
A raven stretches its wings as it sits on a post inside the 30 km (18 miles) exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor n... Credit: Reuters
Oslo 17. juni 1991. Barn fra Tsjernobyl er i Oslo for å puste inn radioaktiv-fri luft. Her fra Fornebu når de går ut av Aeroflo... Credit: NTB
Kuene Reaktor og Atom ble i mai 1986 sendt på beite ved Norges Landbrukshøgskole i Ås , og prøver av melken ble sendt til Staten... Credit: NTB
Den første registreringen av Tsjernobyl-nedfallet over Norge , fra målestasjonen på Kjeller utenfor Oslo. Nivået steg jevnt fr... Credit: NTB
Det var utmarksnæringene som virkelig ble rammet av Tsjernobyl-katastrofen i Norge. Store mengder sau og rein måtte slaktes somm... Credit: NTB
FILE --- File photo taken in November 1994 shows an exterior view of the sarcophagus around the No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl, ... Credit: AP