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FILE - In this Dec. 10, 1989 file photo, His Holiness the Dalai Lama displays the Nobel Peace Prize and medallion during ceremoni... Credit: AP
The Dalai Lama, shown in 1989, is the leader of the exiled Tibetan government in India and a spiritual leader for Tibetan Buddhism... Credit: AP
File Nobel Peace 1989 - Peace Prize winner Dalai Lama shows off his medal and diploma to Helmut Kutin, president for SOS - Childho... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
Oslo 198912: NOBELS FREDSPRIS 1989 TIL DALAI LAMA. Nobelprisutdelingen i Oslo Rådhus. Bildet: Dalai Lama mottar Nobelmedaljongen ... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19891210: Fredsprisen: Nobels Fredspris 1989 til Tibets åndelige leder i eksil Dalai Lama. Seremonien fant sted i Universite... Credit: NTB