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File photo dated 4/2/1996 of John Hume. The head of Northern Ireland's civil service claimed the Nobel peace prize winner appeared... Credit: Pa Photos
David Trimble of the Ulster Unionist Party arrives for talks on Northern Ireland with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, at no. 10... Credit: AFP
(FILES) Vetran Northern Ireland politician John Hume talks to the press in Colombo 04 April 2003. Hume, who jointly won the Nobe... Credit: AFP
©FLT-PICA Oslo, Norge, 1998-12-10, Foto: Knut Fjeldstad/FLT-PICA code 20520 ***BETALBILD*** Nobel fredpristagarna David Trimble oc... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
Ulster Unionist Party leader David Trimble speaks to the media following crisis talks with Britain's Secretary of State for Nor... Credit: AP
OSLO 19981012. Fredsprisen. Nobels Fredspris 1998 til John Hume og David Trimble, for deres innsats for fred i Nord-Irland. De... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19981012. Fredsprisen. Nobels Fredspris 1998 til John Hume og David Trimble, for deres innsats for fred i Nord-Irland. Fr... Credit: NTB
OSLO 19981012. Fredsprisen. Nobels Fredspris 1998 til John Hume og David Trimble, for deres innsats for fred i Nord-Irland.Fred... Credit: NTB