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epa01311154 The picture shows the founder of Grameen Bank and Nobel peace prize laureate Muhammad Yunus during German political TV... Credit: EPA
The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh gestures on stage during the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo Dece... Credit: Reuters
Nobel Peace laureate Muhammad Yunus (R) receives from the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel PeacePrize Committee, Ole Danbolt Mjoes,... Credit: AFP
OSLO 2006121210: Muhammad Yunus og representanten for Grameen Bank, Ms. Mosammat Taslima Begun mottok Nobels Fredspris for 2006 i ... Credit: NTB
Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus gives his acceptance speech at City Hall in Oslo, Norway Sunday Dec. 10, 2006. The Banglad... Credit: AP
OSLO 20061210 Muhammad Yunus and the representative of the Grameen Bank, Ms. Mosammat Taslima Begun is greeted by King Harald of... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
OSLO 20061210 Muhammad Yunus and the representative of the Grameen Bank, Ms. Mosammat Taslima Begun is greeted by Crown Princess... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
OSLO 20061210 Mr. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace laureate is greeted by King Harald of Norway during the Nobel Peace Prize cer... Credit: TT Nyhetsbyrån
OSLO 2006121210: Muhammad Yunus og representanten for Grameen Bank, Ms. Mosammat Taslima Begun mottok Nobels Fredspris for 2007 i ... Credit: NTB