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U.S. President Donald Trump (C), flanked by Vice President Mike Pence (L) and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly (R), takes th... Credit: Reuters
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang members wait to be escorted upon their arrival at the maximum-security jail in Zacatecoluca, El Salv... Credit: Reuters
Female members of Palestinian National Security Forces take part in a graduation ceremony for young Palestinians who participated ... Credit: Reuters
TOPSHOT - Army officers stand under the Saudi Air Force logo during a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the creation of the... Credit: AFP
A displaced Iraqi boy holds a white flag as his family flees during the battle between Iraqi rapid response forces and Islamic Sta... Credit: Reuters
OSLO 20170125. Høring i dopingsaken mot Therese Johaug, januar 2017. Therese Johaug før høringen i dopingsaken på Ullevaal stadi... Credit: NTB
A man walks through the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp on the edge of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation near Cannon Ball, N... Credit: Reuters
TOPSHOT - Mourners surround the grave of Yacoub Abu al-Qiyan, 50, a Bedouin man who was killed the previous week when Israeli poli... Credit: AFP
TOPSHOT - A soldier poses for a photo as South Korean and US soldiers perform a demonstation for the media during a joint annual w... Credit: AFP
TOPSHOT - Passengers wave from inside a train at the train station as they depart for their hometowns for the "Spring Festival" or... Credit: AFP
A milk producer waves a Dutch flag as farmers spray powdered milk to protest against dairy market overcapacity outside a meeting o... Credit: Reuters
TOPSHOT - Senegalese soldiers membrers of ECOWAS forces (Economic Community of West African States) arrive in Banjul as they drive... Credit: AFP
TOPSHOT - The Colima or Fuego volcano spews ash and smoke on January 22, 2017, as seen from San Antonio, Colima State, Mexico. T... Credit: AFP
TOPSHOT - An Indian Sadhu (Hindu holy man) looks on after bathing in the River Ganges and smearing his body with ash, during the M... Credit: AFP
Lillehammer 20170122. Dagens bilde fra NTB Brann i bygård på Lillehammer. Mannskaper fra nødetatene rykket ut etter at det brø... Credit: NTB
Special Operations Battalion Police officers enter the Alcacuz prison amid tension between rival gangs in Nisia Floresta, near Nat... Credit: AP
TOPSHOT - A member of the Iraqi counter-terrorism service (CTS) flashes the V-gesture as he stands near a rigged vehicle that was ... Credit: AFP
TOPSHOT - President-elect Donald J. Trump arrives at his inauguration at the United States Capitol on January 20, 2017 in Washing... Credit: AFP
An activist demonstrating against U.S. President Donald Trump is helped after being hit by pepper spray on the sidelines of the in... Credit: Reuters