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Chinese owl moth (Brahmaea hearseyi) caterpillar. This moth and its larva (caterpillar) are found in western China and south-easte... Credit: Science Photo Library
Oleander hawk-moth caterpillars (Daphnis nerii) of different ages. Just before they pupate, oleander hawk-moth larvae become brown... Credit: Science Photo Library
Common blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a caterpillar (larva)... Credit: Science Photo Library
Hawk-moth caterpillar tail. Close-up of the tail of a the larva of a hawk-moth (family Sphingidae), showing the false eyes. These ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Ant-mimic caterpillar (Homodes sp.). Close-up of the caterpillar of an Homodes sp. moth on a plant stem. This species of caterpill... Credit: Science Photo Library
Lobster moth caterpillars in threat display. The lobster moth (Stauropus fagi) is native to Northern hemisphere countries of the O... Credit: Science Photo Library