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US President Jimmy Carter (L) and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (R) after the reception at the military part of Rhein Main Airp... Credit: DPA
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and his wife Hannelore during their holiday at Brahmsee lake near Langwedel, Germany, on 01 Augus... Credit: DPA
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt sailing a little boat, a present from Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, on Brahmsee lake in Langwe... Credit: DPA
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt drinks a beer together with carpenters during an event of the union IG BSE on 14 March 1976 in Ha... Credit: DPA
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing (L) and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt at the beginning of their talks on 16 June 1977... Credit: DPA
US President Ronald Reagan (C), German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (R) and Berlin mayor Richard von Weizsaecker in the park of Charl... Credit: DPA
German Finance Minister Helmut Schmidt (SPD) speaking during the May Day celebrations of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB... Credit: DPA
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (SPD) speaking at a press conference after visiting the Ruhrkohle colliery "Zollverein" in Essen,... Credit: DPA
Helmut Schmidt; Politician (SPD), Federal Chancellor 1974 82, Hamburg 23.12.1918 ebenda 10.11.2015. Helmut Schmidt in the rank of ... Credit: akg-images
Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt speaks during the SPD party congress in Berlin, which takes place under the motto 'security for ... Credit: DPA
Queen Elizabeth II. und German Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (R) talk to Robert F. Richardson, British commander in West Berli... Credit: DPA
Der ehemalige Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt waehrend seiner Rede auf einer Festveranstaltung der Deutschen Lufthansa AG am Donnerst... Credit: AP
Oslo 19790712. Helmut Schmidt, forbundskansler i Vest-Tyskland, besøker Norge. Sammen med statsminister Odvar Nordli (t.h.) ... Credit: NTB
Oslo 1981-09 Helmut Schmidt, forbundskansler i Vest-Tyskland, besøker Norge. Sammen med statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland på S... Credit: NTB
Vest-Tyskland 27. november 1979. Kronprins Harald og kronprinsesse Sonja besøker Vest-Tyskland. Her sammen med Bundezkansler Hel... Credit: NTB
Oslo 12. juli 1979. Vest-Tyskland sin forbundskansler, Helmut Schmidt (tv) er på norgesbesøk, han holder her pressekonferanse sam... Credit: NTB