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Illustration of the extrasolar planet orbiting the millisecond pulsar PSR J1719-1438. The pulsar gas a spin period of 5.8 millisec... Credit: Science Photo Library
Illustration of a planet and its moon orbiting a pulsar. Pulsars are very rapidly spinning neutron stars the dead cores of massi... Credit: Science Photo Library
Swift J1749 pulsar and companion star, illustration. The X-ray pulsar at left was discovered as it was eclipsed by its companions ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Crab Nebula, composite image. Combined X-ray (blue and white), optical (purple) and infrared (pink) image of the Crab Nebula (M1, ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Computer illustration showing a new pulsar just a fraction of a second after it was formed from the merger of two neutron stars. A... Credit: Science Photo Library
Illustration of the so-called Black Widow Pulsar. This is a pulsar (right), a rapidly rotating neutron star, discovered in 1988, w... Credit: Science Photo Library
(ARKIV) I midten af Krabbetågen, der er resterne efter en supernova, finder man en pulsar som den, Jocelyn Bell opdagede for 50 år... Credit: Ritzau Scanpix
Alien planet and pulsar. Computer illustration of a view across the rocky surface of an alien planet towards a pulsar in the backg... Credit: Science Photo Library
Artwork of a planet orbiting a pulsar. Pulsars are very rapidly spinning neutron stars the dead cores of massive stars rotating ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Pulsar planetary disc. Artwork of a planet (lower right) forming in the debris disc around a pulsar (centre). The pulsar is shown ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Pulsar. Satellite image of a shock wave (yellow) at the 'head' of pulsar G359.23-0.82. The pulsar (blue), also known as the Mouse ... Credit: Science Photo Library
Pulsar. Computer artwork of the emission mechanism of a pulsar. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that cast out narrow be... Credit: Science Photo Library
Illustration of the pulsar PSR1257+12 (centre) as seen from its innermost planet (bottom). Two planets with masses of 2.8 and 3.4 ... Credit: Science Photo Library
DCA03 - 20000607 - WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES : This Chandra X-ray image released by NASA 06 June, 2000 shows the details of ... Credit: EPA