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1RD-328-C1900 (81195) D.I.Mendelejew / farb.Zeichnung Mendelejew, Dimitrij Iwanowitsch russ. Chemiker (stellte 1869 ein Pe- riod... Credit: akg-images
Four Russian chemists photographed whilst working in Heidelberg. They are (left to right): N. Zhitinsky, A. Borodin, D. Mendeleev ... Credit: Science Photo Library
PERIODIC TABLE, 1925. Dmitri Mendeleyev's Periodic Table in which the elements are arranged by atomic weight in groups of related... Credit: The Granger Collection
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (1834-1907), Russian chemist, with a commemorative Soviet stamp issued in 1957. Medeleyev (or Mendelee... Credit: Science Photo Library
Mendeleyev's periodic table of 1869. This is an early form of the periodic table, with similar chemical elements arranged horizont... Credit: Science Photo Library
Dmitiri Ivanovich Mendeleyev (1834-1907), Russian chemist, c.1900s. Famous for arranging the 63 known elements into a Periodic Tab... Credit: Heritage