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(FILES) This file photo taken on March 10, 2016 shows shows a Barbie doll holding an electoral poster reading "Barbie for Presiden... Credit: AFP
Circa 1959 - California, United States: Ruth Handler, creator of Barbie with husband Elliot Handler, founder of Mattel. Exhibitio... Credit: Polaris
October 28, 2015 - Milan, Italy: Exhibition Barbie The Icon, curator Massimiliano Capella, at the MUDEC museum, from October 28 2... Credit: Polaris
Barbie doll creator Ruth Handler, left, gets a kiss from Kristi Cooke, an actress dressed as a Barbie doll, during the 35th birthd... Credit: AP
What the Beatles are to young teenegers, Barbie is to their preteen sisters. The 11 1/2-inch doll, born five years ago as a fashio... Credit: AP
The first Barbie doll, created in 1959 is displayed on April 6, 2009 in Paris during the "Barbie Fashion show 2009", an exhibition... Credit: AFP
Barbie dolls sit on a display before the Barbie house opening ceremony in Shanghai March 6, 2009. Mattel Inc will roll out new ser... Credit: Reuters
** FILE ** Barbie is pictured between her longtime boyfriend, Ken, right, and her new admirer Blaine, an Australian boogie boarder... Credit: AP
Oslo 19981119: Unge kinesiske jenter betaler med liv og helse for Barbie-dukkene norske barn om en drøy måned finner under julet... Credit: NTB
A dentist Barbie doll is displayed 10 February in New York during the first day of the International Toy Center annual fair. Som... Credit: AFP