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06 March 2019, Saxony, Leipzig: A roll of film with a black-and-white eight-millimeter film. Today, hobby filmmakers use the oppor... Credit: DPA
Queen Mary's hospital specialised in treating children affected by tuberculosis. This celluloid jacket was used to provide support... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Celluloid badge or button with a photograph portrait of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, (made by Merchant's Portrait Co.) for the Women's... Credit: Mary Evans Picture
Celluloid anaesthetic inhaler, 1894. This device was designed by J. Frederick William Silk (1858-1943), an English physician. An a... Credit: Science Photo Library
Faux tortoiseshell ear trumpet with its case, dating from 1900. Ear trumpets were used to aid those with difficulties in hearing.... Credit: Science Photo Library
Faux tortoiseshell ear trumpet, made from celluloid and metal. Ear trumpets were used to aid those with difficulties in hearing. ... Credit: Science Photo Library
This image may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by the Chemical Heritage Foundation of any product, service or activi... Credit: Science Photo Library
John Wesley Hyatt (1837-1920), US inventor. Hyatt is best known for discovering a method to simplify the production of the plastic... Credit: Science Photo Library